On Tap is a Water Bottle retailer focusing on reducing plastic waste via reusable bottles. Based out of Milford NH, our company has strong ties to the nature surrounding us. Each bottle has a unique QR code belonging to that bottle and it’s owner. Scanning that QR code leads you to a personalized page of the owner of the bottle. This page includes the amount of bottles they have saved, as well as their user profile. This profile contains badges, blog posts, and other means of contact. This gives users a sense of community and togetherness working towards the safety of our oceans. When you purchase a bottle, it will come equipped with directions to sign up on the website, this will allow you to set up your personal page. Badges will be earned at different milestones based the number of bottles you have saved. The higher the number, the more badges you will earn.

Social responsibility is one of the most important values of our company. We donate as much earnings as we can maintain in order to move towards our goal of helping the oceans prosper. To do this, we donate to highly specified causes. While there are many charities set up for this process, some do not use the money as correctly as others. Our company is based off of research rather that retweets .

Our Causes